Additional Funding For Section Chairs


Purpose: It is the purpose of this policy to establish those policies and procedures which apply when Section Chairs request additional financial contributions to attend meetings, including but not limited to, the annual National Section meetings.

Review and Distribution: This policy may be reviewed annually, and the then current policy and pertinent forms and schedules will be provided to all members of the CBA Yukon.

Administration: This policy will be administered by the CBA Yukon Executive Director, and requests for reimbursement are to be referred to the CBA Yukon Executive Director for review and approval. The CBA Yukon accepts no responsibility for expenses which are not incurred in compliance with this policy.


The Section Chair shall provide a written request for funding outlining the reason for the request and the amount requested.  The request shall be made prior to attending the meeting, if possible.


The Executive shall make their decision on the funding request based on the following:

  • Availability of money in the budget
  • Value of the Section Chair’s attendance to the CBA Yukon
  • Value of the attendance to the Section Chair personally
  • Relevance to the CBA Yukon Strategic Plan


Suitable receipts in substantiation of claims shall be in accordance with the Member Travel and Expense Guidelines.


When incurring expenses on behalf of the CBA Yukon, Members should always be guided by the principle that the CBA Yukon is a not-for-profit organization with limited resources. Members are asked to be reasonable and use prudence when choosing among options, and to choose the lowest cost alternative wherever possible.

Approved by Executive November 20, 2014.